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Legal Tech For Conveyancing & Legal Completions In Shorter Time Frames Than Are Norm Now [Adjusting Milestones,Time Lines & Time Frames Accordingly].

By NoelGroves in Legal/Conveyancing 1063 views 28th Feb, 2023 Video Duration: N/A
National Conveyancing Week Starts 08:45AM on 20th March 2023.

National Conveyancing Week Press Release Available on Request or you may receive it.

To Fast Track Related Legal Completions Ideally All Draft Legal Contracts should be sitting in the Clio case management Accounts,alternative Accouns or just sitting in their computers readyt to be speedily effected by the related parties.

Legal Tech For Conveyancing & All Legal Specialisms.

On the 1st March I created a New "Property Workspace" on My WiggyWam Account,that if suitable can be used by WiggyWam Estate Agency,Solicitor,Vendor & Buyer Users.

I am setting all the Tasks of the respective partitcipants in regard to the sale of existing housing stock and legal completion of property sales.

1.Seller's Tasks.
2.Seller's WiggyWam Agent Tasks.
3.Seller's Solicitor Tasks.
4.Buyer's Tasks
5.Buyer's Agent Tasks.
6.Buyer's Solicitor Tasks.
7.Buyer's Surveyor Tasks,

I have changed some of the responsibilities of the participants to Fast Track The certainty of legal completions and reduce the time frame of them.

Something similar can be done for development sites in all size ranges.All relevant draft legal contracts can be sitting in Clio accounts of solicitors,in other case management software,on the computer of sollicitors or maybe in a WiggyWam Workspace created by me and tailored for development sites in all size ranges.

Prompt offers of Debt funding are meaningless without the suitable property developer being able to promptly receive the enire capital stack in prompt but realistic time frames. These time frames are made protracted when the participants do not do and/or provide what is requoired at the correct timing to enable receipt of the full funding stack.

For some sites that fit certain criteria "Guaranteed Sales" can be given that do not prevent Estate Agents from selling other units in the development.

If You are a Solicitor have you Scanned my Related QR Code yet to Enable you to Take my Co-ordinated Free Trial Of Clio Conveyancing Software?

If you are an Estate Agent and seek to extract the full value of becoming a WiggyWam User,you to can immediately register for a free trial.

In respect to providing your developer data bases and local site owners with full solutions with my assistance,after you join WiggyWam you can assist your existing housing stock vendors and buyers to conclude more certain sales in reduced legal time frames by providing all the Advisory I have produced. Provision of it to Future New Vendors will differentiate your company from its competitors.

I Will Add more related content over the coming days from 1st March going forward and will broaden out the usefulness & applications of legal tech both for solicitors and clients.


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