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Setting Tasks On Monday.com & Assigning them to The Participants of Development Sites in All Size Ranges,to Fast Track New Acquisitions and/or Construction Starts.

By NoelGroves in Construction & Development 450 views 14th May, 2023 Video Duration: N/A
I have already taken the Free Trial of Clio Conveyancing, Legal tech and Case Management software.

That is great and needed by all solicitors,But alone it is not sufficient to Fast Track arrival at legal completion of sale/purchase of Development Sites in all size ranges or sale/purchase of existing housing stock.

Task Management Software is needed to the Tasks I set can be assigned to more participants at an earlier stage in the process to fast track arrival at the point where the solicitors become involved.

I am drafting & setting the Tasks primarily for the participants of Development sites.I have already done it for existing housing stock transactions.

I will be doing the Free Trial Of Monday.com to establish if it is suitable for my purposes and what I have in mind to Fast Track existing housing stock & development sites and ensure transaction certainty,and faster transaction time frames in shorter legal completion time frames than are the norm now,by effective use of Monday.com and Clio.com software.

If Monday,com is suitable and I and/or any business collaborators of mine gets it,it will be me who "Project Manages" it and assigns the Tasks to the Participants I bring together and/or are party to each site transaction.

Important note: For existing housing stock transactions it is the Vendors who have a significant influence on their transactions and for development sites its the Property Developer who significantly influences the time period to full receipt of the full funding stack to enable legal completion of the New Site.


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